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Soul Energy Evolution


Soul Energy Evolution’s mission is simply to help you remember who you are and what you came to “earth school” to learn. Amy uses any combination of holistic or esoteric therapies, along with the positive energy of play to help you feel better, reframe a situation or even traverse the quantum field of infinite possibility.  What is calling your soul the most right now? Turn that whisper into the lion’s roar.


Amy serves as a beacon or provides sanctuary for those seeking solace or relief, regardless of where they are on their path to completeness. Fearless and kind, she employs her innate empathy, humor and inquisitiveness to propel you forward in your souls' progression. Her treatments, infused with love and centered in light are mystical, playful and distinctively unconventional. Aiming for balance, rather than division, Amy has the ability to view the journey of the soul from an elevated vantage point, offering a clearer outlook. She skillfully unravels the layers of your life's play, connecting the dots in a way that's bound to be extraordinary...and maybe a little weird.

Usui Reiki Master Teacher
Certified to Practice:
Crystal & Energy Treatments
Esoteric Healing
Sound Medicine

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique ® QHHT ®

Registered as:
Metaphysician and
Holistic Wellness Practitioner

A Note, love Amy

I began my healing career in 2020, compelled to be of service to a world that had no shortage of broken and hurting people. I started my first business, Improvised Magic (now Soul Energy Evolution) in the fall of that year. My approach and mindset to the work has changed so much in these past few years. I’ve realigned my business model and the work I offer as a result of my ever-evolving approach to soul care. In January 2024, Soul Energy Evolution was born, and I share below my philosophies to how I operate: 

I trust that all things that happen to us can be a catalyst for soul growth.

I know we all carry a Divine Spark powerful enough that when accessed, it can change our narrative at any given time.

I believe the next evolution of mankind rests in the ability to SEE each other as Divine Beings; to be a united collective that wants the best for all people.

I accept that there is more than one road to wellness and aligning yourself with practices and beliefs that resonate with the core of who you are is powerful enough to rewrite your story.

The truth has 144 sides. Is your life experience your truth, or just what you think it is?

The power of story is transformative; sometimes you have to look backwards to move forward. Allow me to show you new ways to think about old problems or the possibilities of all that could be. Miracles happen every day. Why not for you?

With So-ul much love,


Soul Energy Evolution uses an integrated approach that combines play and fun to achieve the client's wellness goals. Treatments and therapies can be booked individually or combined as packages for a holistic healing program that meets the client where they are and evolves the essence and energy of their soul.  

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