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Do you do group sound baths?I do, but not at my wellness center. You can find me at Ageless Healing Arts and Wellness Education in Saratoga Springs, NY on the last Wednesday of every September - May from 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm. Visit their site to book a spot or learn more.
I have hyperacusis (sensitivity to sound.) Can I still have a treatment?Let’s try. Most of my clients with this are most affected by the crystal bowls or pyramids. The tuning forks are quiet and just felt on the body. We’ll experiment with what feels right before we start treatment and I’ll follow your lead.
How can sound help to heal me?Sound Medicine is the use of sound frequencies and vibrations to promote relaxation, balance energy centers, and stimulate healing at a cellular level. Benefits are: Stress reduction and relation, balancing of the energy centers, brainwave entrainment, pain management, and enhanced sleep quality. (Ask me how many people fall asleep during a sound bath! 😀) All will promote healing.
What is Sound Medicine?Sound Medicine is a type of healing that uses aspects of music to improve physical, spiritual and emotional wellbeing. It involves having the practitioner use voice, tones, musical instruments, tuning forks or percussion instruments that produce vibrations that alter your brainwaves, release stuck emotions, offer spiritual insight and shift your frequencies to achieve a positive outcome. It is the song of releasing what no longer serves the soul.
How does Q.H.H.T. ® work?During a QHHT session, you will be guided into a deep state of relaxation where you can access past-life memories, communicate with your Higher Self, and receive insights and healing energy.
What is the difference between a regular Past Life Regression and the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique ® / Q.H.H.T. ®?A past life regression can help you identify repeating patterns and karmic connections to this current incarnation. Q.H.H.T. does the same, but also gives you an opportunity to ask deeper questions, as it connects you right to your Higher Self, the Outer Soul..the aspect of you that lives outside the physical body.
Is Q.H.H.T. ® suitable for everyone?QHHT is generally safe and suitable for most individuals. However, it may not be suitable for those with certain mental health conditions or individuals who are not comfortable with hypnosis. The session can always be done by proxy if you have a close friend or family member willing to do it for you.. Contact me to discuss.
I don’t want a Q.H.H.T ® session. Do you offer just a regular past life regression?No. Q.H.H.T. is a recognized international organization, and therefore offers more thorough training, and support for practitioners. Effective 2024, that is the only type of regression services I offer.
Why don’t you do virtual Q.H.H.T. ® sessions?It is important I monitor your physical body during the session and act accordingly if you become uneasy. You are vulnerable while under hypnosis and I want to take care of you.
How long is a Q.H.H.T ® Session?A minimum of four hours. At least two for the interview portion of the session,and a maximum of two hours under.
What is the interview process like?It takes a while; I have to get to know you, so I know what questions to ask when you’re under. Be prepared to answer: Why did you book a session? What Physical, Emotional, Mental or Spiritual issues do you want addressed, and when did they start? What was going on in your life at the time? What was your childhood like? What are some big life events that you experienced that shaped who you are today?
What are the benefits of Q.H.H.T. ®?QHHT can facilitate healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels, release limiting beliefs and patterns, uncover karmic connections, identify soul contracts and can provide clarity on life purpose and relationships.
What is Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique ® (Q.H.H.T. ®)?QHHT is a holistic healing modality that combines hypnosis, past-life regression, and communication with the Higher Self to promote healing and self-discovery.
Will you talk to me about what happened during my Q.H.H.T. ® Session afterwards?Of course! That is part of the process, although some people just want to let it settle a bit. I’ll stay as long as you need me to, or work with you on a way to reconnect and discuss. You can tag on an Axis Mundi Relationship reading for a reduced price to be booked at a future date, if you want to explore something in depth, based on what happened during the session.
What can I expect during a Q.H.H.T. ® session?Each session is unique, but typically involves a regression to explore past lives, communication with the Higher Self, and healing energy work tailored to your needs.
What conditions can Energy Healing help with?Energy healing complements any other modality of treatment you are receiving for anything. It may offer relief from various physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances, including stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and trauma.
How does Energy Healing work?Energy healing treatments involve channeling healing energy to balance and restore the body's energy system, promoting overall well-being and vitality.
Do you sell crystals in the shop?No. If you are in the 518, I recommend ethically sourced crystals purchased from Mystic World. Online: Innervision Crystals has a great online selection, and Gemisphere offers high-end crystals for gemstone medicine.
What types of crystal do you use?I use a mixture of beaded necklaces and rings, raw and polished stones. I pick ones based on your objectives for the session and my own intuition.
Can you reccomend a particular crystal for….?When you come in for a vist, I can give you some suggestions on maintenance or preventative crystals to continue your healing journey with.
How do crystals work?What distinguishes a crystal from a rock, is that a crystal has a repeatable molecular structure which holds their frequency and vibration steady. All things have a vibration and frequency; crystals have different ones based on the material, color, location mined, etc. Crystals use the properties of their natural frequencies to attune and harmonize your body energies to them. Crystals help the body remember what homeostasis feels like.
Are oracle readings predictive?Some people are adept at predictive reading; I am not one of them. For me, oracle readings offer guidance based on current energies and patterns but do not predict the future with certainty. They empower you to make informed decisions and navigate life's journey with clarity and confidence.
Why don't you do live tarot readings?I have a healthy respect for the wisdom of the tarot, but haven’t been reading for very long. I find at this stage I get better answers when I divine your truth in a private and sacred place.
What is the difference between oracle cards and tarot cards?All tarot cards are oracle cards, but not all oracle cards are tarot. Tarot is a specific set of 78 cards. Oracle decks don’t have as many cards and are usually themed by concepts.
Why do some of your readings mention they are for entertainment purposes only?In a sense, they are. I would never encourage anybody to take advice from a reader (of any type) at face value. Take what resonates and leave the rest. Ultimately, listen to your soul for your best intuitive guidance.
Can you tell me what oracle or tarot cards do?Think of the cards at the center of the Venn diagram between the everyday world and the ethereal. The cards and their placements are the tools that help the reader (me) share insights on current situations, challenges and opportunities in your life. The cards are best at showing the sitter (you) what items are within your span of control over any given situation.
What is Quantum Physics?I'm not qualified to answer this on a deeper level but do use aspects of quantum play in some of my work. Quantum Physics plays a role in a lot in "what-if" scenarios. Setting an intention, creating an emotional response to it for amplification, and then releasing the who, what, when and how the intention will come to fruition. It is a powerful healing and/or manifestation technique. The best way to explain it is to distinguish it from the Newtonian aspects of the energy most people in the world know. Below are some high-level guidelines:
What will happen in a Quantum Improv session?More or tell me and I'll "yes and" you through the work. This is about helping you make an emotional connection to send out to the Universe for healing, manifesting, name it. Truly there is no limit, here. I can be used as a spiritual proxy, foil or co-creator to help you bring something to life. This is a wild Frankenstein of your energy. That said, it is done in a grounded, positive, and protected sacred space.
What is a Repatterning?Certain experiences can have a profound impact on how we show up in the world, especially when it comes to subconscious belief structures, we learn and create about ourselves. For example, if you think of yourself as unlovable, chances are you are seeing this play out in your real life on some level. So many of these patterns are unhealthy for the body, mind and spirit. Repatterning takes you to an energetic moment where the unhealthy belief structure was built from, removes it and then we co-create a new structure in its place. This work is completely inspired by Paul Selig and uses the mindsets and aspects of collective consciousness.
What are some best ways to integrate the treatment after a session?Hydrate. Rest. Reflect. Avoid stressful people and situations as best as possible for 24 hours.
How can I book a session?You can book a session by using the Treatments & Therapies section on the website. I also offer a complementary 15-minute consultation to discuss your options or answer any questions.
Do you offer virtual sessions?Most of my services can be offered virtually, with the exception of QHHT ®. Virtual sessions are a nice way to get your feet wet with alternative healing modalities and are often less expensive.
What should I expect after a session?After a session, you may experience a range of emotions, insights, and physical sensations as your energy system adjusts and integrates the healing energies. It's essential to allow yourself time to rest and nurture yourself after a session.
How many sessions do I need?The number of sessions needed varies depending on individual goals and needs. Some people experience significant shifts after just one session, while others may benefit from multiple sessions for deeper healing and transformation.
Is there a difference between 'soul' and 'spirit'?Your Soul is infinite, vast, powerful and is what is connected to the source of your own understanding. It is the student eager to learn, grow and experience the lessons of the physical realm. Spirit is the aspects of the Soul that it chose to represent itself while “in school.” Spirit is the costume we surrender at death when we are reconnected back to the Soul.
Why do recommend businesses that may compete with yours?Holistic practitioners are all unique and each can provide different experiences for you. If I don't feel like a right fit for you, I want to tell you about other service providers that I know personally that you may benefit from. If you're seeking alternative methods of healing, there are so many good people out there, and no shortage of hurting people. I am not concerned with steering you away from me...ultimately, I want YOU to feel better, even if I'm not the one to get you there.
“Space-Time” and “Time-Space.” are often mentioned in Quantum Physics. Can you tell me what the difference is?Space-Time is what we experience in the everyday world. Best way to think of it is that in this world, when we walk through a space, it takes time to do that. We can’t break the laws of physics in Space Time. Time-Space occurs outside of time, and we bring it to the space. Think of it as making a wish, and not worrying how or when it is going to come true. It is energy existing in the infinite field of limitless possibilities. Anything can happen in Time-Space.
What is Christ Consciousness?It is the awareness that all things are divinely connected and that we are part of a universal system. Although some may use a religion as a pathway to connect to that energy, it is not bound or defined by one. This is not to be confused with Jesus Christ. Jesus was "The Christ" who came to teach us what love for all people was all about, think of Christ Consciousness as walking his walk. The minute you put someone outside of it, you're missing the point; it is a divine spark that exists equally among all things.
Acupuncture, Energy Medicine, Health CoachingBridgette Shea is a licensed acupuncturist, meditation instructor, energy healer, author, and public speaker. Bridgette allowed me to do monthly sound baths at her space, as I was getting used to playing in public and she will forever hold a place in my heart. She is a very talented healer, author and wonderful human being. She cares about the people who come through her practice and is a wealth of knowledge and compassion. Ageless Healing Arts
Group Sound Baths, Sound Healing Education, and so much more...I'm one person in a tiny studio, but April Hannah and my friends over at Hannah's Healing can offer you a wide array of health, healing, wellness and esoteric services in a big, beautiful space. So many good options and good people involved in her organization. A sound healer often needs to recharge their own batteries. I try to make it over there at least once a month to participate in a sound bath, or crystal pyramid session. There is always something happening there.
Reiki Education, Sessions, Growing your Reiki PracticeI have received all of my Reiki training from Gina. Gina does still do sessions, but she has become a thought partner and mentor to many of us who are starting our own Reiki businesses. She has been such a wonderful teacher, support and friend these past years. "Since 2003, Gina Lynn has provided a comfortable place to heal, learn, and grow. Take time to learn about Gina's virtual and in-person energy healing sessions, workshops, and mentoring for groups and individuals. Gina has conducted over 7,000 healing sessions and taught hundreds of men & women how to tap into their own potential through energy work. Many of her students have gone on to have their own successful practices. Why not you?!" Reiki Healing | Gina Lynn Clemente (
Intuitive Gemstone Medicine, Meditation, BodyworkYou would be hard pressed to find anyone more soulful or intuitive than Erin Sikopoulos. Although I use crystal frequencies as part of my energy work, Erin offers something completely different. She practices intuitive gemstone medicine and applies her body of knowledge in massage therapy and Chinese medicine to give you a one-of-a-kind experience. She also provides gemstone meditations which are a very powerful ally in learning to connect with the essence of each stone. She is truly a rare gem soul. "A soulful high impact body & being experience uniquely blended into a masterful practice of intuition, gem energy & bodywork to create ease in daily living." Turn A New Leaf Intuitive Energy and Bodywork (
Restorative Yoga, Reiki Sessions & TrainingChelsea and I met during our Reiki Master's Training in 2020 and haven't turned back. I feel blessed to call her a friend, but also share an office suite with her. Her energy healing, kindness and expertise will bring you comfort and self-empowerment. Her title, Soul-cial Worker, is perfectly stated. Fom her site: MY MISSION IS TO GIVE PEOPLE THE SELF HEALING POWER TO LIVE MORE FULFILLED, HEALTHY AND AUTHENTIC LIVES. Home | Energy Healing With Chelsea (
Comprehensive Counseling. (Addiction, Life, Marriage) Interventions, RecoveryDawn and I met taking a Reiki training together and were able to complete our Reiki Master-Teacher's training during the same intensive. She is so inspiring, and genuine. She has used her own struggles and experiences to provide a unique and personal perspective to those who come to her for help. She is real, down to earth, and has will move you forward if you're stuck. Her warmth and kindness will make her the counselor you wish you could hang out with outside the session! Comprehensive Life Coaching & Behavioral Health Services (
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